2 Quotes & Sayings By Roh Moohyun

Roh Moo-hyun was the 16th president of South Korea, serving from 2003 to 2008. He was the leader of the opposition Democratic Party until his party won a majority in the 2002 elections. He was elected president in 2004 after winning a run-off election against rival candidate Lee Myung-bak. His election, considered a historic watershed for South Korean politics, was based on the hope that he would be more conciliatory toward North Korea Read more

Though Roh's approach toward North Korea was more moderate than other South Korean leaders, his policies toward the North were considered too weak by many voters. The Roh administration was riddled with corruption scandals. President Roh's impeachment by the National Assembly led to his resignation on March 11, 2008, which followed months of political turmoil that nearly brought down his entire Cabinet.